The HATE-LESS Consortium
The HATE-LESS consortium is uniquely qualified to achieve the project’s objectives, has worked together on different EU-relevant projects, and pays attention to make a difference.
Consortium Members
European Youth4Media Network e.V. is giving young people a voice through digital media. It is a European Network of 52 organizations from 32 countries working in the field of community media and civil society.
The member organizations form the active European network of communities, youth institutions, radio and TV stations as well as culture- and media- centers, being places for communication and civic engagement. Together, the youngsters of the European partner institutions organize cross-border networks of youth media work. They promote political and intercultural dialogue by means of audiovisual media. We have a wide range of activities on local as well as on the European level.
The purpose of the association is the development and extension of existing partnerships in the area of participative youth media work in order to create a stable and sustainable network of European non-commercial media, culture and educational institutions as well as the functioning thereof. The purpose of the association is as well the promotion of citizenship education, a society based on knowledge, a civil society in Europe and participation of young people.
Objectives: the European Youth4Media Network is aiming at equal opportunities for all groups of society and a united democratic Europe. Guidelines for the network are the promotion of participation, citizenship education, creativity, the ability of expressing oneself and communication especially for and between young people.
In doing so a particular emphasis is on the provision of information material for political and cultural education as well as for
a European democratic understanding. The network supports the efforts for life-long learning and the acquisition of competences by young people in order to enable them to take part actively in a civil society in Europe and in an intercultural
dialogue. Youth4Media particularly supports:
- creative media work and the opportunities for participation and self-initiative
of young people within a wide-ranging socio-cultural and educational-political framework; - education, inclusion, co-decision and self-determination of young people especially on a local level;
- social inclusion of disadvantaged young people particularly of young migrants;
- active measures against racism and xenophobia;
- the targeted and intense use of multimedia internet platforms and open TV channels in order to reach the largest possible number of young people;
- the testing and use of alternative and non-formal ways of learning;
- the creation of networks between the European
Youth4Media Network with other local and European institutions and support of the activities of other European networks
with identical or similar objectives.
The network supports the efforts for life-long learning and the acquisition of competences by young people in order to enable
them to take part actively in a civil society in Europe and in an intercultural dialogue.
Eesti People to People is a non-profit organisation registered in Estonia in 1997 and with activities since 1993 as a chapter of People to People International NGO. The purpose of People to People aims to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational and cultural activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures. Tolerance and mutual understanding are central themes.
Eesti People to People has 3 members of the board, ten members and more than 100 volunteers at the moment. There are many people with fewer opportunities among NGO members – ethnic and national minorities, neet, people from depressive urban and rural areas and from islands, etc. There are students, teachers and decision makers (local authorities, MPs) and general public among target groups.
Eesti People to People has experience in organising training courses for groups of 5-35 people and big seminars and conferences. Eesti People to People has experience in Erasmus+ KA1, KA2 and KA3 projects, Lifelong learning programme, EuropeAid, EU Aid Volunteers, DAPHNE III, Nordplus, NORDEN, Europe for Citizens and Interreg.
The main topics for NGO staff members as trainers are media, information and digital literacy, social media, active citizenship, global education, inclusion, gender, European citizenship and European values. NGO members take part in the projects also with other different topics.
Eesti People to People is member of Estonian Round Table of Development Cooperation AKÜ and work on awareness rising about SDGs in Estonia and Europe, organize many local activities for people in different ages.
MITRA FRANCE is non-governmental non-profit organisation established in Nice, France in 2015 for the following aims:
- foster intercultural understanding and responsiveness to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity through non-formal
- educational approaches;
- develop innovative educational approaches addressing diversity for inclusive education;
- popularize media and art skills by providing regular training for people in different age;
- support adult education by providing lifelong learning projects.
NGO mission is to create awareness among people about their role in the society and instill skills for them to act in a positive and constructive way.
MITRA FRANCE has 3 board members and more than 50 volunteers that are active in the youth field and adult education. MITRA FRANCE provides workshops and push-in support, managing pilot programs, and developing project-based learning activities in media, multimedia entrepreneurship and digital literacy.
There are people with different backgrounds among MITRA FRANCE members – artists, journalists, programmers, teachers, video producers, youth trainers and media activists.
MITRA FRANCE works with the opinion leaders of Chechen and Russian speaking linguistic community to involve young
people in various Erasmus+ activities. Their experiences in media and digital literacy, youth work and project management will contribute to the good implementation of the envisaged project.
Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg – Luxembourg:
“Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg” Association was registered in 2020 on the basis of the non-formal group “Foreign Students of Luxembourg” (FSL) which was created in 2013.
The main objectives of the Association are:
- To establish, promote and support social awareness regarding the importance of education with a view of strengthening skills and capacities.
- To promote education and awareness that contributes to the development of personality.
The objectives will be realized through the following activities:
- International education, youth and cultural exchanges on awareness-raising, in particular in the field of human rights
education, participation and citizenship, intercultural dialogue, integration and peace; - Promotion of science and research;
- Support to the art-science dialogue as a means and expression of a sustainable transfer of knowledge;
- Strengthening European and international cooperation, also in cooperation with other professional and public bodies on
this subject.
The main activities are:
- Human Rights Festivals (in cooperation with the local organisations interested in the HRE, annual since 2022);
- Long-Term Training Courses on the competencies of the youth workers (periodically since 2015);
- Various international youth programs in the framework of Youth in Action/ERASMUS+ Program of EC (Seminars, Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, etc.);
- Research and Publications (Transnational Research “Understanding the Needs of Migrant and Refugee Women in Entrepreneurship and the Creative Sectors”, “A handbook on self-production of promotional videos for Social Entrepreneurship”, Handbook for youth workers “Inclusive Art and Youth Work”);
- Work with youth from ethnic/cultural/sub-cultural minority groups living in Luxembourg;
- Study Visits with intercultural explorations to Luxembourg and other countries of the world (in the frame of the cooperation between Network of Anna Lindh Foundation);
- ESC (European Solidarity Corps) – receiving and sending volunteers (we are in the process of accreditation – L’agrément national);
- Annual project “Never Again” on remembrance organized from 2015 to 2019 in Armenia, Germany in France (supported
by OFAJ); - Living Library: FSL in cooperation with local organisations implemented Living Library in Luxembourg at 2021 and 2022.
The main aim of the event is to promote Human Rights Education events and activities.
Evolutionary Archetypes Consulting SL – Spain:
Evolutionary Archetypes Consulting SL is an innovation research and science communication company. EA explores and
assesses innovation strategies, resources, and technologies to empower the future gamechangers.
With innovation research, we study and analyze knowledge that can inspire innovators and entrepreneurs to innovate and succeed, while also combatting against hate speech, disinformation, and racism. With science communication, we take encouraging insights from scientific and technology research and share the knowledge in everyone’s words, encouraging the use of digital tools for inclusion. Horizon Europe collaboration allows us to get involved directly in R&D projects, namely those
promoting a positive impact, by supporting the researchers with technology and resources.
WAVES is a non-governmental organisation focusing on Education, and particularly global education, as a pedagogical approach that prepares people to address Europe’s most pressing issues collaboratively, equitably, and sustainably.
WAVES works with formal, non-formal and informal education methods as these practices can help people, especially marginalized and vulnerable social groups, develop their capacity to be informed, open-minded, and responsible citizens, who are responsive to diverse perspectives and challenges on an individual and community level.
WAVES’ mission is to improve the patterns of learning and skills development towards inclusive societies with active local (local + global together) citizens where hate, discrimination and inequalities have been eliminated with common efforts. WAVES aspires to work towards the development of communities where people, especially marginalized groups, youth and women, are empowered and encouraged to take active part towards positive change, who live in peace, respect others, take care of themselves and the environments around them. Moreover, WAVES envisions to support individuals and communities develop a sense of self and appreciation of cultural diversity, affirmation of social justice and women’s rights, as well as building peace and actions for a sustainable future in different times and places.
WAVES focuses on experiential learning as it is an approach that puts every participant at the centre of their own learning
process based on their personal experiences. The activities of WAVES enable participants to reflect on their personal
experiences and ensuring more creative and open-minded learning environments. After each activity comes the reflection
stage, where participants are invited to draw their own conclusions about the specific areas of concern, design, plan and test new strategies and educational methodologies, and arrive at lasting learning outcomes.
Its staff and associates have wide experience in coordinating and managing EU-funded projects which primarily focus on
inclusive education for sustainability, active citizenship, media literacy and global education, gender equality, peace
education, social inclusion, and migrant integration. Our work has been engaged in the continuous discourse and
understanding of global education, social inclusion, and sustainable development anchored in the needs and lived realities
of marginalized and vulnerable groups, including women, youth, and immigrants.