LEARN ABOUT THE PROJECT Harnessing Awareness to End Hate Speech
and Disinformation for a More Diverse Youth 
using Media Literacy and Technology

We see a better world...

The project aspires to dismantle hate speech, disinformation, and entrenched racist narratives by amplifying and making visible diverse counter-narratives. These include the testimonies of young individuals encountering the “other,” thereby shining a light on alternative perspectives and challenging harmful assumptions.


Combat hate speech and disinformation via media literacy to counter fake news and advocate for diverse migration narratives.


Enhance media and digital literacy in youth work, empowering youth to critically analyse hate speech & disinformation


Mobilise youth workers and organisations for inclusive societies through participatory methods and technology


Strengthen social and civic competencies by promoting fundamental values, mutual respect, intercultural dialogue, and combating discrimination


The Consortium

We believe in a diverse range of personel to bring creative skills,
thoughts, and ideas to the table.

"I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear"



Reinforcing links between policy, research and practice.
Increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work.
Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity

HATE-LESS strengthens the connections between policy, research, and practice by integrating them into its core activities. Through addressing issues such as hate speech, disinformation, and racism, the project aligns with broader policy objectives focused on social cohesion and inclusion…

This project enhances the quality, innovation, and recognition of youth work through several key mechanisms. Firstly, by providing training to youth workers and young people in media literacy and critical thinking skills, it elevates the standards and effectiveness of youth work practices…

This carefully designed project aims to create inclusive learning and training environments based on robust evidence appraisal and methodologies that enhance: the capacities of first responders (youth workers/trainers), the voices of those who did not have the opportunity to actively engage in capacity building (youngsters) and the sense of responsibility of those having privileges and power (stakeholders and policymakers)…


Project: 2024-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000244181

Disclaimer: Co-financed by the European Union. The opinions and points of view expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the JUGEND für Europa JUGEND für Europa (German National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth, Erasmus+ Sport and the European Solidarity Corps).
Neither the European Union nor the Granting Authority can be held responsible for them.

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